Diet Spinach Brown Rice

Abhijit Author

By Abhijit

Last Updated Jun 6, 2023

Diet Spinach Brown Rice

It’s one of the best breakfasts, I think for everybody, as it doesn’t have oil, sugar and only minimum use of salt.
And the benefits of spinach is
Spinach is originated in Persia and belongs to the amaranth family, which is very healthy, as it is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients.
Spinach is beneficial to eye health, reduce oxidative stress, help prevent cancer, and reduce blood pressure.
It adds bulk to stool as food passes through your digestive system. This may help prevent constipation.

Vitamins and minerals

Spinach is an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals:
• Vitamin A. Spinach is high in carotenoids, which makes vitamin A
• Vitamin C. This is a powerful antioxidant that helps skin health and immune function.
• Vitamin K1. This vitamin helps for blood clotting, so people are taking astatine(blood thinner)they should avoid it
• Folic acid. Also known as folate or vitamin B9, this compound is vital for pregnancy time and tissue growth.
• Iron. Spinach is an excellent source of Iron which helps create hemoglobin,
• Calcium. This is essential for bone health and for your nervous system, heart, and muscles.

Health benefits of spinach

It has been shown to improve oxidative stress, eye health, and blood pressure.
Oxidative stress
Spinach contains antioxidants which help reduce the damage it causes.
Eye health
Spinach is rich in Zexanthin and luteinz , work to prevent macular degeneration and cataracts, which are major causes of blindness .
Cancer prevention
Spinach contains two components, MGDG and SQDG, which may slow down cancer growth.
Blood pressure
Spinach is high in nitrates which helps moderate blood pressure levels and decrease your risk of heart disease
Spinach is generally considered very healthy. However, it may cause adverse effects in some individuals.
Kidney problem
Spinach is high in calcium and oxalates, so people are having kidney problem should limit their intake
Blood clotting
Due to having vitamin K1it prevents to thin blood

Brown rice food value

The following nutrients are found in whole grains, according to the American Heart Association:
• B vitamins, which are involved in many biological functions;
• Folate or folic acid known as vitamin B9 that helps the body form new cells and can prevent certain birth defects;
• Iron, which helps create hemoglobin which uses to carry oxygen in the blood;
• Magnesium, a mineral that helps more than 300 biological functions;
• Selenium, helps the immune system and regulating the thyroid gland.

So except kidney patient all can have this excellent food.
Here is the very simple recipe


1. 500 gm brown rice
2. 4 cups chopped spinach (palak) or 3/4th cup spinach puree
3. 2 green chilies – chopped
4. ½ inch ginger – chopped
5. 4 garlic cloves – chopped
6. Salt to taste
7. 2 to 3 drops of lemon juice( optional)
8. Carrot, and tomato cut into small pieces 1 each (optional)
9. Water 2 cups


Rinse 1 cup brown rice and soak the rice grains in enough water for 5 to 6 hours. Later drain and keep aside
Rinse the spinach leaves and chop them.
Now add the spinach leaves in a grinder jarand add 2 green chilies, ½ inch ginger and 3 garlic cloves .
Blend to a smooth paste. Keep aside
Now take a pan add water and let it boil then add brown rice. Let it boil for 3 to 4 mins.
Then add the green paste of spinach, small carrot pieces (optional) and let it cook for 15 to 20 mins.
Now serve brown rice with salad or curd. You can also garnish the brown rice with coriander leaves

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